Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday, September 25th

Journal - Most students view siting work as 'a pain in the butt'. How do you feel about it? Is it necessary? When is it appropriate to cite work? What's the importance of it?

I think that citing is a pain in the butt, like the majority of the students. The reason why I think that is because I feel that it is a lot of unnecessary work. I think that we should just have to put the website name or the book name. Then I think that we would all be okay with it, and everyone else would be okay with it. On the other hand when talking about the importance of it, I think that it is important to give the website and the author credit. I think that it is important to cite all the work that would be used because then the teacher or grader of the paper knows where you went to find the information and they know if you copied any of the work. Overall, I can see why it is important but still don't like it very much.

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