Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday, September 16th

Journal - Tell me about your weekend. Where did you go? What did you do?

I would say that I had a pretty productive weekend. On Friday I had a team volleyball sleepover. I thought that it was really fun, because the girls house that we went to was really big and had a pool that we used. We also watched a really cool movie, "Now You See Me," I thought that the tricks and the and everything else was one of the coolest movies that I had ever seen. On Saturday and Sunday I had a soccer tournament. We played two teams a day. Throughout that whole tournament we went undefended and only had one goal scored on us all weekend. For the remainder of the day on Sunday I worked on a science project for around four hours and have yet to finish it still, though I hope to do so today. Overall, I would say that I had a very exciting and entertaining weekend.

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