Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday, October 14

Journal - What do you love about the "digital age" that we currently live in? What do you dislike about it? What are positives ways you use technology in your life? What are some things that come along with technology that you don't like? Explain.

What I like about it is it makes things easier, such as doing projects. It also makes the social life more interesting, you can get to know more people or see more about the person that you might have not known other wise. Something that I dislike about it is that when they run slowly, it drives me nuts. I also don't like when typing something up and don't save, and the computer shuts down or something and then you lose all your work, I hate that. The use of it is helpful because, as said before, it makes things faster and you can get them done faster. That is my overall thought about the "digital age" we are in now."

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