Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday, December 1

Journal - Where are you right now on your "Who Do You Think You Are" project? What did you do over the break for the project? Did you interview anyone? Use the checklist below to figure out what you have finished, what you are still working on and what you still have to do.

In the project, I am about as far as the calender says. I am on track, I think. I am currently working on the prezi of the family tree. I have all of the circles done and names filled out, although I plan to put in the pictures today. I also have  the email, family echo, and interviews done, and I have briefly started the the infograph. Over the break I found the pictures for my prezi and scanned them into the computer and emailed them to myself. Over the next week, I plan to finish my family tree and my infographic.

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