Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, February 26

What are three things you learned about color theory and web design  yesterday? Go in to detail.

The main thing that I learned about color theory is the type of the design, such as the mono, which would just be shades of one color. Another type that I recall is the analogic which is three colors that are right next to each other, but also go together. There are other ones like complement, which is the opposite color on the color wheel. Overall, I learned that different types of site will need the different color scheme and a good color scheme for the website.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, February 25

What effect can a color scheme have on a website? How can it make a website better? How can it make a website worse? Explain why color is important.

Overall color is important because it makes it more appealing to the eye. It can make a reader tune in or turn away. The color can make a website better by adding visual images and highlighting words or phases that are important or maybe linked up. The color of the website can also make the reader stay on the page. It can make it worse by going on color overload and having tons of color everywhere and it just makes the website sloppy and make the reader not want to read the website.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, February 24

What did you learn about file types as you created and designed your travel website? What are some other kinds of file types you know of? What do these different files do? Explain.

The main thing that I learned was the difference of the PNG and PSD. The PNG is basically something that is saved and can no longer be edited and the PSD can be changed. Other files that I know is close to nothing. However, I think there is a jpeg file or something like that, and then the file that you save documents as, which I don't know the name of. I am not sure, but I think that jpeg could be something to do with images.


Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21

What was your takeaway from this Travel Site? What did you learn that you didn't know before? How will the knowledge of how we built this site help you improve your future websites?

When I built the site I learned a bunch of things that I didn't know, which is basically everything that we did. The biggest takeaway was how to use Photoshop and the big components in that. Things that I learned that I didn't know before is the whole Photoshop program and then how to rollover and create the site in Dreamweaver. I can use this in the future because it gives a more creative format to the whole site building process, and I need to be creative.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday, February 18

How can Photoshop be a valuable tool in web design? Explain.

Photoshop can be valuable because it allows you to be more creative with the sites that you make and add things that Dreamweaver could do. Photoshop gives users the option to add designs and different types of layouts that are cool to the eye. Mainly, Photoshop is a more creative thing and gives people different ways to present information.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, February 11

What do you know about Photoshop? Have you used it before? What can it do? Are you an expert? A newbie? Tell me about your background and what you already know.

In Emerging Tech we did the mini unit on photography and with that we did a little bit of photo shopping. With that said, I would say I am not very good with it because I don't think what we did was really photo shopping. What I think photo shopping can do is edit photos or add items in that weren't originally in the picture. Overall, I don't think I have a lot of background with Photoshop, and would say the topi is fairly new to me.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, February 7

Think about how a user (me or anyone else using your site) might function and interact with your site. What are some important functional features to make your website easy to work with? How can you make it easier for the user and not frustrating? Explain why this is so important.

The user to one of my site would just interact by clicking on the links or heading that I provided. I think the main function that the website should have is an easy navigation bar and easy navigation throughout. The website should also have are linked to the word or phase and not just the web address. These links should stand out in a way, such as being underlined or a different color. This is important so the website is easy to use and the user doesn't think it is unorganized and leave the page.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, February 3

Tell me about your Sweetheart weekend. If you didn't go to Sweetheart, what did you do? I want details!

My sweetheart weekend was okay. I didn't do that much. I did't go to sweetheart, just because I didn't want to. But, I couldn't do anything else because I had to go to a soccer game. The soccer game was not even that fun because my team got creamed by the other team. I can't remember what the sore was, however, I know that it was a lot to a little. Then the next day (Sunday) I had to wake up early to go to another soccer game, which we lost. Overall, the weekend wasn't the best one I have ever had.